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This website offers a simple introduction to the basics of Gaelic grammar and suggests ways, with support material, of bringing on pupils’ Gaelic.

The introductory ‘Ro-ràdh’ on the Mìrean home page – there is an English version for non-Gaelic speakers – suggests ways of using this material in class.

The heading ‘Clàr-amais’ on the menu bar is the main entry point for the rest of the site.  When the cursor is placed over this, a window drops down showing the titles of the 14 Mìrean sections.  When the cursor is held over this, a column opens on the right of the page showing the language points covered in each section.

Returning to the menu bar, clicking on the ‘Clàr-amais’ heading opens a new window showing the 14 sections in a different format: teachers may find it helpful to print and keep this page for information.

The language structures are arranged in categories according to the functions they perform: for example, ‘Describing events which have happened before now”; “What a person or thing is like” and ‘Emphasising things”.  This reflects the GME approach, in which pupils learning the language through using it, and for that reason it is expected that teachers will get used to it quickly.

When any of the 14 sections is selected a window opens,entitled ‘Aithghearrachd’, which provides a summary of the language covered. Another column opens on the right of the page showing, in black, the section title and, under that, the language structures covered.

When any of the latter is clicked, a new window opens describing how that structure works.  In the column on the right several choices are offered: ‘Eisimpleirean’ provides examples of the language structure in question (teachers may this find helpful when preparing their own teaching materials) and ‘Obair’ offers suggestions and materials which may be used in class, arranged by Curriculum for Excellence stages.

For users who feel confident about grammar, clicking on ‘Clàr-innse’ in the menu bar opens a window which uses the traditional terminology and shows where they may be found on the site.

The main substance of the site was written by Donald John MacLeod who has a wealth of experience in Gaelic education, and who is well versed in the difficulties pupils have with grammar.  The support materials were researched and edited by Angela MacMillan, a primary teacher.  Our thanks to them both.

© Stòrlann Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig 2024